Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Tevere at Dawn

Ponte Vittorio Emanuelle II

The dome of St Peter's under the Ponte St Angelo. The Ponte Vittorio Emanuelle II is in the mid ground. It was taking this when I realized that I had to hustle to get the good light bouncing of St Peter's. I reached my chosen vantage point in time... but alas I buggered the exposures I took there. Another time, perhaps.

Ponte Vittorio Emanuelle II and St Peter's again. This time the shot is taken from the Ponte St Angelo

Ponte St Angelo facing the Castel St Angelo. I was very lucky with the orange light bouncing off that statue. There is almost no colour adjustment in these images. This is how it looked.

Ponte Vittorio Emanuelle II... again...

Looking back at the Ponte St Angelo from the Ponte Vittorio Emanuelle II. the actual dawn from my perspective on the bridge.

After sleeping rather soundly, it was easy to wake at the required 0430 to get down to the river for a dawn shoot.

The mission was to capture a few bridges on the river, as it was an easy and already familiar walk. I’m quite happy with the results, though none of these are particularly long exposures. The few long shots I took failed for one reason or another… so I’ll just have to try with the Forum and Colosseum. 

1 comment:

  1. A lady once brought a great image in to work of her family leaping, Toyota Oh What a Feeling style of her family on the Ponte St Angelo. looked great printed up!!
